Fungal Infections Due to Wearing the Same Shoes Every Day

Can buy new shoes which had long desired course it feels very pleasant. You also definitely want to wear shoes that you want every day. But be careful, wear the same shoes constantly turned out to be bad for the health of your feet.
Wearing the same shoes every day, especially in the form of used shoes closed completely, it can create a humid environment feet.
Foot humid environment can increase the risk of fungal infection, especially if you use shoes made of plastic, and you do not use socks when wearing shoes.
Based on the research published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, there is an increased risk of fungal infections in the foot groves workers who wear boots.
Fungal infections in the legs caused by dermatophytes organisms. These organisms consume keratin, a protein found in hair and nails, as a source of food.
Fungal infections on the feet can cause toenail discoloration, thickening of the nail, nail splitting, scaly skin and smelly feet. In addition, the fungal infection can also cause foot irritation and onset of pain.
Handling of fungal infections in the feet is often difficult. Because the fungus that infects the feet are often resistant, or does not respond to therapy performed, so that the handling can take up to several months.
Prevention of fungal infections, including fungal infections in the feet, is very important. Because when the fungal infection has hit the nail, then the handling will become more difficult.
Therefore, it is very important for you to prevent the possibility of fungal infection in this leg. Some ways that you can do to prevent fungal infections in the foot, among others:
Use socks
If you wear closed shoes, especially if it is made of plastic, do not forget to wear socks.
Use socks made from cotton in order to absorb sweat and protect wounds or scratches that can occur on the skin of your feet.
Cut your nails properly
Cut your toenails properly, and avoid lest there is injury to the nail or the skin of your feet. This is to avoid infection.
Choose the right shoes
The better the air circulation in your legs, then the foot area will be dry. Dry foot area will minimize the possibility of fungal infections.
American College of Foot and Ankle Orthopedics and Medicine recommend to wear shoes made of leather or canvas for air circulation in the legs when you wear shoes well maintained.
Use shoes with the right size
A good shoe is a shoe that does not touch the tip of the toenails, or too narrow. However, you should also avoid to wear shoes that are too large. Therefore, choose a shoe size that matches the size of your foot so that the shoe you use is not too big and not too cramped.
routine replace the shoes you wear
Wearing the same shoes every day, especially if you are wearing the shoes prior to exercise and do activities that make the feet sweat, can increase the risk of fungal infection in the foot.
Therefore, you should avoid to wear the same shoes for 3 days in a row. In addition, you also have to make sure the condition of your shoes are completely dry before you put them on again.
Avoid barefoot in public areas
Avoid barefoot in damp areas, such as in swimming pools or public baths, as susceptible to contracting a fungal infection. Therefore, always use slippers or footwear when you want to walk, especially in public areas such as swimming pools, or public baths.
However, if a fungal infection in the leg had already occurred, you can use an antifungal cream containing clotrimazole to help remove the mildew problem that you are experiencing.


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