Frequent Adverse Effects Watching Video Porn

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media coverage recently lead to cases similar porn videos artist ariel peterpan, luna maya, and cut dance. Watching porn video raises many negative impacts, such as those in the seminar on the impact of pornography on brain damage in Jakarta, a neurosurgeon from the Hospital San Antonio, United States, Donald L. Hilton Jr., MD says that addiction (addiction) resulting in brain sections front center called the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) physical decline.
"Pornography cause constant changes in neorotransmiter and weaken the control function. It makes people who are addicted can not control his behavior, "said Hilton as well as adding a pornography addiction also cause memory impairment. Conditions, it does not happen quickly in a short time, but through some stage of addiction is characterized by impulsive actions, escalating addiction, desensitization, and eventually decrease the behavior.
"And the brain damage caused by addiction to pornography is the most severe, more severe than addiction to cocaine,"
12 mirage of pornography which have already been created inadvertently by our brains:
1. Pornography to feed on the "lust of the eyes" and "lust of the flesh" that will never be satisfied. Pornography will only make the 'audience' ask for more, more, and more again.
With ease, pornography enslave people will lust and opened the door to every kind of evil, like anger, torture, violence, bitterness, deceit, envy, coercion, and selfishness. The hidden power behind pornography will show itself when people who are already involved in trying to stop the habit. Without the aid, usually people are powerless to escape.
2. Pornography makes people 's minds become filled with sex. Sex mind will control their subconscious. Figure smelled of sex will be attached to their brains, so that when a person decides to stop looking at pornography all, the pictures he had seen in the past will persist until a few years or even forever.
3. Pornography is a promotional event to deviant sexual practices. For example, porn sites are usually connected to the internet porn sites more progressive like homosexuals, child pornography, sex with animals, rape, sex with violence and others.
This will make certain people are mentally disturbed and challenged to try. Thus, many are increasingly deviant sexual behavior in society.
4. Pornography makes a person stimulated to prefer to serve ourselves more than anyone else. Masturbation / masturbation is an example. It is an act of lust personal fulfillment that can make a person difficult to accept and share the love of the truth on others. Pornography usually makes people addicted to masturbation / masturbation.
5. Pornography will bring someone to the use of time and money very badly. There is little free time or more money, will be spent to satisfy his desires.
6. With often see porn site or buy the movie / porn magazines, people are supporting the development of the porn industry are usually run by "organized crime" is seeking funds in a way forbidden.
7. Accustomed to viewing pornography will damage the person's relationship with the environment, in this case the family or the people closest.
In dating relationships, the relationship that develops become unhealthy. People involved pornography will blame her lover in sexual acts they do. Though the problem was there on his own personal, and her partner was the 'victim'. In couples who are married, it would trigger sexual dissatisfaction and deviant sexual practices that lead toward family disharmony, and even divorce.
8. In many cases, pornography makes a person lose his power. What had been an active and creative can be no focus on the job.
9. Pornography can destroy a sexual relationship with a partner because it used to imagine anyone else in a sexual relationship.
Imagination is one of the effects of pornography is very strong. Values ​​and sexual purity in fact be broken.
10. Viewing pornography will make the person lie.
People who are bound pornography habit will keep this as a secret, so that by lying he can hide his embarrassment and avoid criticism of their environment. Wherever he goes, he will tend to wear a 'mask'.
11. Pornography will bring someone on a serious spiritual consequences.
The pressure and confusion will fulfill her life. Pornography brings evil forces which will control and dominate the audience. Once someone viewing pornography, it will take him deeper and deeper. Moral values ​​that correct the longer makn faded, causing a confusing double standards.
12. Pornography would make someone believe all the lies offered by pornography itself.
Examples of misrepresentation offered are:
a. Sexual freedom = happiness
b. Sexual deviance = normal
c. Anytime wreak sexual needs = it is right and fair
d. Every day masturbation = healthy
e. Pornography = not hurt anyone
f. Porn star = the happiest person in the world
g. etc.


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