5 Tips Skin Care in Room Air-conditioned

5 Tips Skin Care in Room Air-conditioned

You more often were in the room rather than being outdoors? If yes, then your skin including skin constantly exposed to cold dry air from the air conditioner, which can make the skin dry and scaly.
Here are some things you need to consider in order to avoid skin dry and flaky:
1. Do not shower too long
Avoid bathing with water that is too hot and too long, because it can eliminate the layers of the skin's natural oils. Use water that is lukewarm. Additionally, do not use a scrub for bath and body scrubs should also not be too frequent.
2. Use a gentle soap or cleanser
Avoid soaps with fragrances or alcohol because it can make your skin drier. Instead, use a soap or cleanser that contains a high moisturizing.
3. Use the appropriate moisturizer for dry skin
After bathing and body dry, apply moisturizer to the skin. The moisturizer will help keep moisture and smoothness. You can also use a moisturizer repeated several times a day.
Here are some more tips to prevent dry, scaly skin:
 4.Do not using too many products
Interactions between skin care products is too much even can eliminate the effect of treatment one of the products rather than products that interact. Pick a few important skin care products and you know the contents and uses. Use it regularly to get the desired results.
5. Do not be too frequent switching between products
Can not wait to see the effects of a skin care product make someone too frequently changing care products. It actually can trigger irritation and dryness of the skin. Give it time to work and care products you use regularly before determining whether you will replace your skin care products.
By paying attention to the things mentioned above then your skin moist in the room with the air conditioner can be maintained properly.


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