13 How to Love Heart

13 How to Love Heart

Ingin memiliki jantung sehat, kita harus rutin melakukan aktivitas fisik dan mengubah pola hidup menjadi lebih sehat.
Heart failure has a risk of fatal in humans, but often people think about it too late. Quoted from WebMD on Monday (12/28/2015), here are some ways to keep your heart:

1. Observe Symptoms Every Day

If you suffer from heart disease, people must continue to observe the changes in her body. One of the easiest ways is to write every change that was, for example, wheezing, swollen hands and feet, or even coughing.

2. Physical exercise

Stay active. This is great if you have heart disease. Exercise can lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and help you lose weight. Move his best, try 30 minutes of physical activity every day, 5 days a week. Exercise is good for the heart using a large-sized muscle groups such as legs. Try walking, biking, or swimming. Talk about it with your doctor if start a new fitness program, to know what is safe.

3. Control your blood pressure

Check the blood pressure every day. Bincangkanlah to your doctor about a personal blood pressure goal. How ideal is through a healthy lifestyle, although sometimes need to be assisted drug. Tell a doctor about changes in blood pressure.

4. Browse fluid intake

Ask the doctor if necessary to limit the amount of fluid intake per day. Remember, not just what you drink, but also ice, ice cream, hard candy, gelatin and soups. Weigh weight every morning. Rapid increase in weight can be a sign of fluid retention.

5. Eat healthy

Follow the complete diet. Presentation of fruit and vegetables roughly half the plate at every meal. Do not forget whole grains and low-fat products. Use sources of protein such as lean meat, seafood, nuts, seeds, and soy process. Stay away from solid fats, mashed grains, and sugar.

6. Note the salinity

The salt causes the body to retain fluids and can increase blood pressure, which can cause leg swelling or difficulty breathing. Do not cook with salt, do not also added to food before eating. Try seasoning without salt. Associated with canned food, look low in salt.

7. Watch your weight

Overweight force the heart work harder. Look for a possible way to achieve a healthy weight. Start with exercise and proper diet. Ask your doctor's opinion. Cholesterol and blood pressure will be improved with the right weight.

8. Control stress

The presence of heart disease can make people angry, depressed, or anxious. Anger or stress can lead to heart attacks. Look for ways to relieve anxiety and try to talk with someone close about what happened. Can also try meditation, yoga or deep breathing. Dokterun could be asked for help.

9. Stop smoking

Smokers or tobacco users should try to quit. Smoking can increase the likelihood of heart attacks. Smoking can increase blood pressure and damage the blood vessels where the flow of blood to the heart. In addition, try to avoid being a second hand smoker. Ask your doctor about how to stop and look for a support group for help.

10. Drinking cure

Sometimes lifestyle is not enough. People may need to be assisted with drugs, such as drugs to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Or anticoagulated and even to the possible reduction of heart attacks. The right medicine can relieve the symptoms and eliminates stress on the heart.

11. Observe cholesterol

The high content of bad cholesterol, LDL, can lead to more heart problems. People should aim its content to less than 100 mg / dL. If you've ever terkenan heart attack or high risk, try aiming score lower than 70 mg / dL. The doctor may prescribe medication to keep these cholesterol levels.

12. Be wary of drinks

Talk to your doctor if the patient usually drink alcohol. Alcohol can weaken the heart and make it work harder. Research shows that the intake of drink small amounts of alcohol can increase good cholesterol, HDL. But, if it's too much, can add weight or raise blood pressure.

13. Regularly see a doctor

Keep an appointment with the doctor and explain about the symptoms experienced. Tell about the changes. Prepare yourself well, including by writing a list of questions to be asked, and record medications that are being taken. If unclear, ask for clarification.


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