Is it safe to Have Sex During Pregnancy?

Amankah Berhubungan Seks Saat Hamil?Pregnancy is coveted by many couples. During this period takes place, the couple certainly more rigorous in keeping themselves in order to stay healthy pregnancy. Reducing the activity, increase the intake of nutritious foods, to avoid having sex.
Sex during pregnancy is not always dangerous to do. Indeed, there are several conditions that must be considered when trying to sex during pregnancy. But basically, during pregnancy was normal and no complaints, then you can have sex as often as desired.
Some couples worry that sex can make a miscarriage. In fact, the main cause of the loss was the fetus can not develop normally, not for sex. Other couples assume that sexual activity can harm the baby. To answer that, you need to know that the fetus is in the womb have a protective wall of the muscles of the uterus and amniotic fluid. This makes the baby to stay safe during sexual activity that you do.
If you're still undecided, you can determine the position of sex is completely safe and comfortable. The position of women who are at the top (woman on top) is widely recommended by obstetricians. In this position, the fetus does not suppress the maternal blood vessels such as the recumbent position (missionary).
What about oral sex and anal sex as an alternative? Oral sex during pregnancy is fine, as long as you can make sure the couple does not blow air on the vagina. It can be dangerous for the fetus because it can lead to embolism or air bubbles that impede the flow of blood vessels. Although rare, this condition can be dangerous for both you and the fetus. Anal sex is not recommended during pregnancy, because if followed by penetration into the vagina can trigger urinary tract infections.
During pregnancy goes normally, you do not have to worry about sex. Importantly, do check the pregnancy and consult the doctor regularly.


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